6 Reasons Why Listing Photo Matter

At present, buyers are too busy earning for a living and may not have the opportunity to drive by to look for homes. Most buyers will start their home search by visiting the MLS. First impression about the homes for sale is being created by the postings in the MLS. Buyers will have the tendency to ignore postings that they do not find attractive.

Here are some reasons why listing photos matter.

  1. Nice photos manifest that you care about the property.



If a buyer sees that the home is being taken care of, they will most likely want to buy. A home that is well maintained is expected to be free from any damage or defect. This factor adds up to the saleability of the home.

  1. Interest of people are created by what they see



People will normally buy something that will catch their interest. Placing beautiful images of the home in the MLS can help create and increase this interest.

  1. Buyers will imagine themselves living in the home



A potential buyer will want to experience the home without truly being there. Images posted in the MLS help the buyer have a greater picture of what it may seem if they already own the property. A property may seem to be perfect for a buyer if he sees himself living there.

  1. You can reach even the farthest possible buyer

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Technology has the potential to bring in buyers from different area. Attractive photos will give your listing more attention.

  1. Gives you an edge over you competitors



Even in the MLS, competition is intense. Your post must be able to capture the market’s attention. If photos posted are clear and has good quality, buyers are more likely to view your post. This gives you an opportunity to capture a wider market and get them pick your property over the other listings.

  1. Great Photos create Lasting Impression



A buyer who was given the opportunity to see the home will always make a second look of the property he saw through he internet. If photos posted are dark and does not look lovely, this interest may die down.





10 Tips To Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

A curb appeal is the home’s face. It is also referred to as the attractiveness of the exterior of a residential or commercial property as viewed from the street (Wikipedia.org). A home with a pleasing curb appeal may attract people including potential buyers. This impression creates buyer’s interest to see what is inside of the home.

If you are a seller planning to get the top dollar from your home, or a home owner who wants to satisfy those meticulous eyes, here are 8 tips to improve your home’s curb appeal.

  1. Makeover the Front Door

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The focus of a home’s curb appeal is the front door. To make the door look more appealing, you may try using stylish colored paint. Do note that the color of your door must match the theme of the home’s interior. It is also necessary to clean up all the dirty spots around the door knob. You may also want to use metal polish to keep the door’s fixtures new looking.

  1. Avoid Mix-and-Match Pieces



Fixtures being used adds up to the style of the home’s curb appeal. Lockset of the main door, wall lamps and house numbers are just some of the items that work best when they function collectively. Adding a door knocker that matches the lockset and the door’s theme may also be regarded.

  1. Upgrade the Porch



Adding furnitures such as a pair of seats with a sophisticated design adds up to the attractiveness of the porch. You may also consider tiling or refining the front porch as part of the upgrade. Updating the front porch light is also necessary.

  1. Glam the Mailbox



If item such as the mailbox is outdated, the home’s aesthetic may not be pleasing. Give your old mailbox a face lift with paint and match it with a nice, decorative house number. You may also doll up the mailbox by surrounding it with beautiful flowers.

  1. Neaten the Yard



 An attractive yard can greatly affect your home’s curb appeal. To keep the yard fresh to the eye, get rid of dead and dying plants, pull out weeds, place flowering pants and plant a tree or two. To add structure to your yard, you may use built-in concrete plant boxes, low stone walls or you may choose to create a new path.

  1. Add Fence



You may choose to build a boundary between a busy street and your private space, adding a low fence to the property may be practical. This only does not give you the privacy but it can also make your yard look larger

  1. Mind the Roof



 A roof viewed from the front of the house must also be well-maintained as it adds impact to the curb appeal. Cleaning the roof with a power hose, repairing or replacing damaged shingles are necessary.

  1. Light the Path



A well-lighted path at night may be eye-catching. Adding lights to walkways makes the area look lively while providing safety and security.





Drawbacks of an Open House

The right time to sell your property has come. After exerting efforts to have it sold through different marketing activities such as the use of print and internet advertisements, an idea of open house comes into mind. Though open house increase your home visibility to a wider market, other agents might take advantage of this opportunity and instead of ending up selling your home, your agent might see this as a chance to grow his business.

Here are several drawbacks of open house that may be taken into consideration.

  1. Security Issues



If your home is open for all to visit, possibility of theft incidents may happen. Open house gives the unlawful an opportunity to explore and roam around your home without being noticed. This will enable them to plan out their crime.

To avoid such thing from happening, it is best to plan out the procedure of the open house with your agent.

  1. Unqualified Buyers

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Not everyone who will be looking into your home are qualified to buy it. Others will just take their chance to see how you decorated your home without the interest of buying.  Your neighbors may even add up to these criteria that are simply intrigue on what you have done with your home.

  1. Agent’s ulterior motives



Some agents will really push you to hold an open house and will convince you that this is an effective way to sell your home. Open houses usually give the agent an opportunity to grow their business. Being able to meet new people who might be interested to buy homes different from your may be their target.

  1. Slim chance to sell

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In the past, open houses seem to be an effective way to sell your home, but when internet advertisement had come into the picture, this was entirely changed. At present, people would rather use the internet as their way of searching and viewing a home before wanting to see it for themselves.

  1. Open houses can be very stressful

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Prior to open house, you would have to prepare or stage your home for it to become pleasing and attractive. Aside from having your home ready before the open house to make it picture-perfect to the public, you will be forced to do another round of cleaning after everyone leaves.






Benefits of an Open House

An idea of selling your home comes into mind, now you are caught in choosing between to hold an open house or not.

An open house is an event when homes are open for viewing for prospective buyers without the need for setting an appointment.

For buyers who have not experience the process of buying a home and do not know where and how to start, open houses may be helpful.

Here are some benefits of an open house

  1. It gets a lot of exposure



A home will have a bigger chance to sell quickly if potential clients know that it is for sale. An open house can give a home additional exposure through street signage, print advertisements and internet ads. Holding open houses will also draw in potential clients who have accidentally passed by your home. Neighbors who are not aware that your home is for sale may also be interested.

  1. You can prepare your home

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Knowing the exact date and time of the open house will allow you to prepare your home for viewing. Staging your home for the open house will help it sell quickly. Buyers who are impressed by the way a home is presented will feel the rush to make an offer.

  1. You may find the right buyer



Since your home is open for everyone to view, this gives the interested buyer an opportunity to bring in family and friends that influences their buying decisions.  You may also attract buyers who are not actively looking or who do not have an agent helping them in their home search. Since open houses are laid back events, this gives your potential buyers more time to view your home without feeling rushed.

  1. You can choose the timing



Open houses give you the chance to set your own date and time depending on your convenience. You may schedule it on weekends or during a holiday. With proper strategy and right materials, your agent will have enough time to organize a successful open house.

  1. Getting feedback real time

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Nothing can help you better than the feedback you receive from your visitors during open houses. Being able to hear the market’s opinions allow you to make changes if necessary. This could mean making adjustment on pricing, possible repairs of obvious problems or improving the appeal of your home.






Little Known Staging Tips That Help Homes Sell More Top Dollar

Starting offer $500,000. I’ll get it for 600; I’ll take it on 7, buying it for a million! Woah, what would you feel if buyers go crazy presenting offers just to buy your home?

Every home seller would want their house sold at the best price possible. For this to happen, your “product” must be competitive. Think of ways on how it will stand out among its competitors.

In every showing, a buyer would imaging himself living in your home, feeling how was it like to be there, how comfortable he is with the atmosphere. How enticing is your home for him to spend his dollars on it.

Staging plays an important role in getting you to this situation. This allows you to prepare your home and make it presentable to your buyers.

Here are several staging tips that will help homes sell more top dollar

  1. Remove all clutter



One of the most important points in preparing your home is getting rid of clutter. Eliminating all items that are not being used will give you a generous space. Removing all eyesore will make the home fresh to the eye of the one seeing it.

  1. Re-group the furnitures



Try to mix and match your existing furnitures to give your home a new feel and create a different ambiance. Being selective of the furnitures that would go together will give the home a sophisticated look.

  1. Re-decorate the rooms



Rooms are mostly the biggest concern of all home buyers. Re-decorating the rooms and removing all your traces will make it appealing to the buyers. Personalized room design might be a turn off for some. As for the master’s bedroom, create a gender-neutral appeal.

  1. Use neutral and appealing colors



Painting the main parts of the room with neutral color helps conceal dated finishes in the space. This will also allow your home decorations to look more pulled together.

  1. Improve curb appeal



Never fail to take into consideration the facade of your home. Keeping the curb clean with blooming flowers and fresh greenery will give your home an attractive setting. Staging the home does not concern the interior alone.






Top Mistake FSBOs Make

Most home seller aims to rake the most dollars from selling their home. One way to do that is to avoid paying commission. Some sellers will try to sell their homes without the help of real estate professional, thinking that better earnings await them at the end of the transaction. Most of the FSBO sellers that I know ended up costing them more money and find their time and effort being wasted for nothing.

As a realtor, I dedicate myself to helping my clients sell their property at the best price, the soonest possible time. I also assure then a hassle free experience of going through the sales transaction process.

Here are some of the most common mistakes FSBO make, hope you’ll find them useful.

  1. Failing to market the home correctly.



Reaching your buyer is the very basic thing a seller ought to know. Choosing the appropriate medium in advertising your home is very important. Not all sort of marketing activity will work best for you, what matter is the effectiveness of the campaign you would choose to adapt. The use of wrong medium may result to a bigger expense

  1. Unable to qualify buyers



Some sellers get easily blinded by a good offer, resulting to taking off the home into the market. They would have the inclination to focus on a single offer and ignore the others. If in this case, the sale did not push through, momentum of marketing your home is lost and probability of selling the home is being put into risk.

  1. Rushing to sell the home too much

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Selling a home by yourself would definitely take a little time, being patient is the key. Otherwise, you will sell your home in the price that you want, get tired and give up. Allow yourself to

  1. Having no idea of the Legal terms before meeting the buyer



A seller must be familiar with all the terms, contracts and obligations attached to selling a property. Before making any commitment, be sure that everything is clear and understood. One way for a seller to understand all these is to seek for an expert’s advice.






The Right Way to List and Sell Your Home in Austin, Texas


When the thought of selling your home comes into mind, there are a lot of questions that goes with it. How much will my property sell? Will I be asking for the help of an agent? How will I sell it? These are just some of the questions you might also be asking.

In today’s market, where new homes add up in the daily competition, you must have a visible listing to stand out. You must be able to reach even the farthest potential buyer. Making use of different channels and medium of communication can be beneficial to get your home sold quickly.

On this blog I am going to share with you some tips on how to list and sell your home in Austin, Texas the right way.

  1. Prepare



It is always best that your home is ready anytime a potential buyer will want to view your home. Remove all eye sore and keep your home clean and presentable. This will give the buyer an impression that the home is being taken care of.

  1. Check the Price



Of course you want to get the top dollar for your home, but overpricing the property is not a good thing. It is always advisable to conduct a little research on the ongoing rate for selling homes within your area having the same specifications of similar homes. An opinion of an agent can also help out in identifying the price of your home. Since most of the agents are exposed to different listings, they have an idea of how much your home will probably sell considering all factors and circumstances.

  1. Market



Marketing is beyond putting a “FOR SALE” signage in front of your home. Utilizing the use of social media in trying to advertise your home will give you a wider reach. Using your circle of influence can also increase the range of your advertisement.

  1. Negotiate



Never close your doors for any negotiation. Hear out your buyers’ opinion and see from there the best terms you may adapt. During these times, help from experienced agents can be a plus factor. People who are trained to negotiate in this business can make a huge impact on the final sales price of your home.

  1. Close



Once an acceptable offer is presented to you, ask for the help of an agent to close the transaction immediately. Working with an agent who understands what documents are required after the contract is signed will keep the legality of the transaction. Real estate agents are tasked to observe the highest ethical standards in selling your property



